Big Cat And There Classification

Big Cat And There Classification: There are few animals more majestic than a big cat. Whether it's a lion walking across the savannah, a jaguar walking through the trees in the rainforest or a snow leopard chasing its prey in the alpine, big cats are some of the most amazing animals on the planet.

To wrap things up, let's talk a little about what a big cat is, anyway. While the definition of a big cat may seem obvious (it's just a cat that's big, right?), there's actually more to big cats than meets the eye.

What's more, there is some debate among biologists about what is classified as a big cat, which just makes it easy for people to get a little confused about these amazing creatures. Because "big cat" isn't actually a scientific term; Rather, it is a colloquial term for certain types of big cats.

However, some organizations, including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and National Geographic, define "big cats" as including the 7 species we've listed above, plus the clouded cheetah and Sunda clouded leopard.


Like all living things on earth, big cats have their own classification. They are members of the Felidae family (cats) and various groups (subfamilies and genera) within the Felidae family. Every living thing on Earth has been named and classified. This biological classification, also called taxonomy, shows how different living things are related to each other. The big cat biological classification works the same way.

Classification of living things began 2,350 years ago with Aristotle. He created two groups, animals and plants, and then divided animals into three subgroups—animals that could fly, walk, or swim. In the 1700s, a Swedish botanist named Carl Linnaeus developed a system for describing and grouping taxa (organisms). Linnaeus is often called the "Father of Taxonomy".

  • Animal Kingdom (multi-celled organisms that have nervous systems)
  • Chordata Phylum (groups having a similar body plan)
  • Vertebrata subPhylum (vertebrates – having a backbone or spinal column)
  • Mammalia Class (mammals – hair or fur, females produce milk for their young)
  • Carnivora Order (meat-eaters)
  • Feliformia subOrder (cat-like)
  • Felidae Family (cats)
A species is an even smaller group of animals within a genus that can interbreed and produce offspring. Lions, tigers, jaguars, snow leopards, leopards, clouded leopards, Sunda clouded leopards, cheetahs and cougars are all different species.

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Big Cat And There Classification 

Big CatFamilySubfamilyGenusSpeciesAbbreviated
LionFelidaePantherinaePantheraPanthera leoP. leo
TigerFelidaePantherinaePantheraPanthera tigris P. tigris
LeopardFelidaePantherinaePanthera  Panthera pardusP. pardus
JaguarFelidaePantherinaePantheraPanthera oncaP. onca
Clouded leopardFelidaePantherinaeNeofelisNeofelis nebulosaN. nebulosa
Sunda clouded leopardFelidaePantherinaeNeofelisNeofelis diardiN. diardi
CheetahFelidaeFelinaeAcinonyxAcinonyx jubatusA. jubatus

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